
Corporate identity for Kvinto

The content of this bachelor thesis is about the definition and creation of corporate identity. The purpose of the theoretical part is to gain knowledge and understanding of the topic on the basis of the studied literature and other available sources. The practical part uses the studied knowledge from the theoretical part and their application to a real corporate identity project for the company Kvinto limited company, which deals with the repair and manufacture of car coolers and air conditioners. The author creates all elements of a unified visual identity, for example the logo, graphic elements or promotional printed matter.

Mind Map ![mindmap](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/73166204/111201772-684e2200-85c3-11eb-951d-d1a87b7ff0e5.jpg)

Voice & tone

  • Voice:
  • confident, professional, quality

  • Tone:
  • formal, friendly, ungrudging


    1. Manufacture and repair of car coolers.
    2. Focus on veterans.
    3. Car air conditioning repair.
    4. The target group includes everyone who needs to repair the radiator. People aged 18 to 99+
    5. The company has been on the market for almost 30 years and has no corporate identity.


    New logo and visual identity should:

    Key words
